Sunday, May 26, 2013

Why do you need to keep records?

Information allow Organizations to:
· conduct business within an orderly, effective and responsible manner;
· deliver proper care and services in a constant and fair manner;
· support and record plan development and administrative decision-making;
· provide regularity, continuity and efficiency in management and management;
· facilitate the efficient efficiency of actions through the entire DHSSPS, HSC and Public Security;
· provide continuity within the supply of solutions, care, or therapy;
· provide continuity in case of a tragedy;
· meet legal and regulating specifications including archival, review and oversight activities;
· provide safety and help in lawsuit including the administration of dangers linked to the existence of or insufficient proof of DHSSPS, HSC and public security action;
· protect the passions of the DHSSPS, HSC, Public Safety and the legal rights of workers, sufferers, customers, and also existing and future stakeholders;
· support and document present and upcoming research, and record activities, advancements and accomplishments, as well as historic research;
· establish and supply evidence of business, individual and cultural identification; and
· Maintain the organization, private or group memory.

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